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Bike Helmet Selection
Bike Helmet Selection
提到開曼群島、維京群島、百慕達... 很多人想到的,可能是風景優美的加勒比海島、度假天堂。但在資本的眼裡,這些地方除了是度假天堂,更是避稅天堂。咱們就來聊聊這些神秘優美的
Make Windows 11 Look Like Windows 10 With ExplorerPatcher
ExplorerPatcher is a lightweight piece of software that lets you revert many Windows 11 design and usability changes back to how they were in Windows 10. You can apply all the changes suggested below for a complete Windows 10 look, or just pick one that makes Windows 11 work better for you.
Physical or Virtual Host Port Audit
Full TCP ports scanning
Decentralized data storages [Jan 5, 2023]
Popular Decentralized data storages
deploy an internal certificate authority
some internal sites that run over HTTPS and thus need a valid cert
Windows Kubernetes 101
Install k8s on windows
Bare Metal automation with Openstack and Kubernetes
MAAS is kind of VMware vsphere but bare metal level automation,
Issue Tracking / Kanban / Scrum
Related issue tracking ticketing system